Thursday, April 28, 2011

How To Stop Panic Attacks Instantly Using Affirmations

Learning how to stop panic attacks instantly is one thing many people who struggle with anxiety aren't able to do.

They aren't able to stop panic attacks instantly because they choose to hold on to it.

Simply holding onto what you are feeling is a powerful thing. The next time you run into another panic attack, do this one exercise to help you learn how to stop panic attacks instantly.

1) Speak this one Affirmation - I AM

Now, before you go on thinking about what I'm going to say. Here's why this I AM affirmation is great.

I AM is a phrase that is very powerful. Every I AM is CREATION. So whenever somebody says "I AM so tired" "I AM so ugly". That person is basically affirming it to themselves that they are tired and ugly. They are basically creating there life in the wrong way because every I AM is CREATION.

So instead of using I AM to your disadvantage. Try using I AM to your advantage. Why don't you mix up those words and instead say "I AM feeling great" "I AM beautiful in every way".

Simply saying these words can change your life dramatically simply because your affirming it to yourself that you are feeling great and beautiful in every way.

Now, let's take this concept and put it into learning how to stop panic attacks instantly.

Whenever another panic attack occurs or you feel like is about to occur. Simply say "I AM Perfectly fine" "I AM Strong" "I AM Overcoming Every Adversity"

You can basically come up with as many different combinations as you want. Try to find one that fits you and fits your current situation.

You can also use this "I AM" affirmation to attract money into your life as well. You can also be able to use this affirmation to change every aspect of your life ranging from panic attacks to money to even relationships!


Just follow this one exercise and you'll be on your way to learning how to stop panic attacks instantly.

I know that panic attacks can be really frustrating most especially when your going at it alone. That's why I recommend you don't go to a professional counselor


Simply because of these 2 reasons:

1) They will make you take medication even when it's not needed.

2) They make things take a long time so that they can make more money.

These are just two of the many reasons why going to a psychiatrist isn't always the best idea. Though, while there are plenty of real therapists out there, still be aware of what can happen.

What I recommend instead is for you to check out the Panic Puzzle Program. Panic Puzzle is a book online that involves audio and CDs to help you overcome anxiety and depression.

Now, don't go on thinking that just because you buy the book you'll instantly get better. It will require some work on your part, but it's not that difficult to follow. You can read all of the testimonials on there site here- Panic Away Testimonials

If you would like to purchase the Panic Puzzle program I urge you to get the digital program. The reason why I recommend you get the digital program is because it costs cheaper, you get the book and the audio lessons instantly, and you don't pay any shipping fees.

If you would like to get the instant downloadable version- Click here

1 comment:

  1. Actually, counselors would teach someone how to quickly relieve themselves of a crisis situation much like this, such as a panic attack, and many counselors (not psychiatrists) would prefer not to hand out medication, and would instead prefer to help the person make quick adjustments. Certainly, a counselor would not prolong therapy for any need, much less an immediate need like this, to make more money. This great advice, though, and I'm happy that you have put it up for the resource of others.
